Here’s what’s ahead. Share a few contact details, tell us about your company and upload any materials you want to add to your application.

What should we call you?

*Required field
*Required LinkedIn URL

Any co-founders we should know too?

*Required LinkedIn URL
Add a co-founder

Where is your company headquartered?

Arc America Fall ‘23 is open to companies headquartered in the Americas only.
*Required field

How can we reach you?

We will only use this to inform you about the status of your application or reach out with any questions.
*Required valid email

Your company details

*Required field
*Required field
*Must be a valid url
*Must be a USD amount
*Must be date
0/100 characters

Which space is your company in?

Please select a sector*
*Please pick a sector
Pick up to two themes*
*Please pick a theme

What does your company do?

What does your company do in one sentence?*
0/100 characters
*Required field
What does your company do in one paragraph?*
0/300 characters
*Required field

Why you?

Share your three most significant life accomplishments.*
Describe the role you played and help us understand why this mattered.
0/300 characters
*Required field
0/300 characters
*Required field
0/300 characters
*Required field

Why you?

What is the hardest thing you’ve had to overcome personally or professionally?*
0/300 characters
*Required field
What drives you?*
0/300 characters
*Required field

Why you?

We've asked about your personal background, now we'd like to understand your motivation for starting this company:
  1. What compels you to work on this problem?
  2. What unique insight do you have into this problem?
  3. What unique qualifications equip you to tackle this problem?
Please link a 1-2 min video or answer below.*
*This isn't a valid URL
0/300 characters
*Required field

Have you applied to Arc before?

If you have applied to Arc before, please share what has changed in terms of team, product or traction.
0/300 characters
*Required field

Please share a company presentation

A company presentation can take any shape or form.
It might be an application to another seed program you have already filled out, a business plan you have written or a one-pager outlining the problem you’re going to solve.
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Application received.
Thank you!
Invitations for Arc America Fall '23 will be extended no later than the end of August.
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